In the theories of Jack Sarfatti the present comes from the future and not from the past as we could perceive in our ordinary state of consciousness. Plato, as we saw in the precedent post, said that in the time of Cronos the events went at reverse.
“The sun and the stars once rose in the west, and set in the east, and that the god reversed their motion, and gave them that which they now have as a testimony to the right of Atreus.”
If planets and star go reverse Plato talks about spin some years before Pauli… but that’s not the point of our post. We’re talking about time. If we procede in the idea that present comes from the future , and we bring this idea streight forward its ultimate consequence, we have to think that time is not linear. time is circular, we are inside a loop, a cycle. And that’s exactly also what Plato says
But as I have already said (and this is the only remaining alternative) the world is guided at one time by an external power which is divine and receives fresh life and immortality from the renewing hand of the Creator, and again, when let go, moves spontaneously, being set free at such a time as to have, during infinite cycles of years, a reverse movement: this is due to its perfect balance, to its vast size, and to the fact that it turns on the smallest pivot.
But Plato say also more
It is evident, Socrates, that there was no such thing in the then order of nature as the procreation of animals from one another; the earth-born race, of which we hear in story, was the one which existed in those days—they rose again from the ground; and of this tradition, which is now-a-days often unduly discredited, our ancestors, who were nearest in point of time to the end of the last period and came into being at the beginning of this, are to us the heralds. And mark how consistent the sequel of the tale is; after the return of age to youth, follows the return of the dead, who are lying in the earth, to life; simultaneously with the reversal of the world the wheel of their generation has been turned back, and they are put together and rise and live in the opposite order, unless God has carried any of them away to some other lot. According to this tradition they of necessity sprang from the earth and have the name of earth-born, and so the above legend clings to them.
Does He talks of a continues cycle where man born and reborn always the same, unless God has carried any of them away to some other lot?
It seem that here Plato talks about eternal return. The Idea of Eternal Return (also known as eternal recurrence) return many time in the history from giudaic tradition to stoicism, but also in Nietzsche and in Ouspensky-Collins theories. And in this myth there is also contemplated the opportunity of going outside the cycle if God carrie any of them away to some other lot (as in Ouspensky Theory and Tibetan tradition).
The Idea of Eternal Return make Plato very modern, and let us think he believed the universe more similar to a toroid than a plane. This could bring very interesting cosmology implication. But that’s not the only point we could continue to consider. Time has two possible way of flow. Forward in the Empire of Zeus. Backward in the Empire of Cronos.
Are you also thinking about Feynman Diagrams, quark symmetry and Temporal orientation? And those apparently strange quark phenomens where some particle seem go forward in time, and some other backward?
But Cronos’ Empire and Zeus Empire leave us to think also to others matter dichotomies such also Fermi Field – Boson Field; Matter –Antimatter…
Plato Cronos’Myth contain many elements very similar to Quantum Physics but all Plato Philosophy is full of possible similitude with Modern Physics Theories. Have you ever read the Cave’s Myth as a possible ancient way to describes David Bohm’s Olographic Theory?
Further considerations soon on this blog
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